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2024-04-03 09:45:

必要提醒 在线签名活动 活动时间: 2024-04-03 09:43:53 到2025-04-07 09:43:53

1. 禁止非法入境。持对应身份的签证入境外国人入境,应当向驻外签证机关申请办理签证。来华学习180日以上者,应申请X1签证;来华学习180日以下者,应申请X2签证。否则会被视为非法入境。Apply for a visa corresponding to your status. In order to entering China, foreigners shall apply to the visa - issuing authorities stationed abroad for a visa. The student who will study in China for more than 180 days shall apply for X1 visa; less than 180 days, X2 visa. Otherwise it would be considered illegal entry.

2.禁止非法就业。外国人未取得工作许可和工作类居留证件不得在中国境内工作或进行任何形式的兼职,否则将视为非法就业,非法就业学生将被处罚,直至开除学籍。非法就业包括:教英语,模特,商业演出等。No full-time & part-time jobs in China. Foreigners cannot work or do any full/part-time job in China without obtaining work permits or work-type residence permits, otherwise it will be deemed as ILLEGAL employment. Illegal employment students will be punished, up to being repatriated. Illegal employment includes: Teaching English, modeling, commercial performances, etc.

3.禁止非法居留。居留许可证到期后仍滞留中国的会被视为非法居留。国际学生应当密切关注护照、签证、居留许可的有效期,及时办理延期手续。应在护照到期前六个月办理新护照。居留许可证延期或变更,国际学生需提前两周向留学生管理办公室提出申请。No Illegal Residence. It will be considered illegal residence when your residence permit expires and you are still in China. International students should pay close attention to the validity of passports, visas and residence permits,and process extension formalities in time. You should renew your passport six months before it expires. For extension or change of residence permit, international students should apply to international Student Administration Office two weeks in advance.

4.高等学校应当尊重外国留学生的民族习俗和宗教信仰,但不提供举行宗教仪式的场所。校内严禁进行传教及宗教聚会等活动。 Institutions of higher learning shall respect the ethnic customs and religious beliefs of foreign students, but shall not provide places for holding religious ceremonies. Missionary and religious gatherings are strictly prohibited on campus.

我已知晓并会严格遵守以上规定。I am aware of and will strictly abide by the above rules.